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Russian companies interested in cooperation with Georgia – PM Fradko

Russian companies interested in cooperation with Georgia – Prime Minister Fradkov

RIA Novosti, Russia
June 3 2005

TBILISI, June 3 (RIA Novosti) – Russian companies are seriously
interested in cooperation with Georgia in the spheres of energy,
transport and metallurgy, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov said
after talks with his Georgian counterpart Zurab Nogaideli.

“We regard energy, transport and metallurgy as most attractive spheres,
while Georgian companies are also interested in the Russian market,”
Fradkov said.

Fradkov, Nogaideli and Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili
discussed practical cooperation between the Russian electricity and
gas monopolies RAO UES and Gazprom and Georgian companies.

“We also discussed taxation issues and extractions from the free
trade zone hampering business development,” Fradkov said.

Fradkov and Nogaideli also discussed the restoration of railway
communications linking Russia, Georgia and Armenia via Abkhaz
territory. “We cannot miss this chance,” the prime minister said.
(With no direct railway communications between Russia and Georgia
special attention is given to the ferriage between the Russian port
of Kavkaz on the eastern shore of the Kerch Strait and the Georgian
port of Poti.)

Assessing the results of the talks, Fradkov said that the sides
discussed a number of problems and ways of their solution which will
promote the settlement of the Russian military bases issue.

Nogaideli said, in turn: “Our trade turnover totals $300 million
but this is not enough,” Fradkov said. “Let us reach $1 billion and
calm down.”

Maghakian Mike:
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