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The Constitution can become the beginning of the change….



| 17:02:41 | 03-06-2005 | Politics |

Members of the National Democratic Union leaded by Arshak Sadoyan
made a political decision yesterday to carry out an action. The
action will be organized for the European structures and for the
COE in particular. During the period of time between the first and
second readings of the draft constitution Sadoyan will represent
about 30-40-offers on the basis of his draft demanding to include
them in the coalition draft. Arshak Sadoyan is sure that none of them
will be accepted in the Parliament, and explains his act this way,
“At least, let people understand: what else can I do?”

The leader of the NDU is convinced that after the failure of the
constitutional referendum in 2003 the authorities will do everything to
introduce their constitution. “The referendum will become the Armenian
variant of the Ukrainian and Georgian processes”, says Sadoyan. The
latter held a press conference today to inform that he has managed
to meet the Venice Commission experts who are in Armenia.

Earlier there was information that the guests will not meet the
representative of any political power during their visit. Arshak
Sadoyan announced today that he had been informed in the COE office
that the program of the visits in Armenia was formed neither by the
Venice Commission experts nor the COE Armenian Office, but by the NA
deputy President Tigran Torosyan.

Nevertheless, NA deputy Arshak Sadoyan has managed to meet the Venice
Commission experts. According to the deputy, it turned out during
the meeting that the experts have been deliberately misinformed
several times. For example, the RA authorities did not send them
the additional changes in Arshak Sadoyan’s draft on the basis of the
offers of the Commission. Form now on Arshak Sadoyan will not count
on the NA and will send all the documents to the Commission himself.

As for the Constitutional referendum, Arshak Sadoyan will join the
oppositional powers which will say “No” to the Constitution. “This
can become the beginning of the change of authorities”, the deputy
in convinced.

Kajoyan Gevork:
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