Categories: News

Appointing the ombudsman


| 13:46:53 | 06-06-2005 | Social |


During the previous week the readers of the A1+ internet site tried to find
out who must appoint the RA Ombudsman. The participants voted mainly for two
variants – President, and People via elections. 328 people participated in
the voting. The final results of the voting are as follows:

«Who should appoint the Ombudsman? »

People via elections – 36.6%;

President – 30.8%;

Parliament – 30.2%;

Undecided – 2.4%

This week the theme of the poll is «What possibility for RA President’s
dismissal should the Constitution provide? » You can learn information from
the materials in our «Articles» section. Wei call everyone to actively
particpate in the poll.

Nalchajian Markos:
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