Decision on new BSTDB president in Thessaloniki next month

Macedonian Press Agency, Greece
June 6 2005

Yerevan, 6 June 2005 (15:19 UTC+2)

The crucial decision on who will be the new President of the Black
Sea Trade and Development Bank, BSTDB, will be made in Thessaloniki
in July, while the likelihood of current President Mustafa Gurdin
from Turkey to remain in his post is not ruled out.

According to a statement to MPA by BSTDB Governor Giorgos Mergos, the
boards of directors and governors will meet on July 30 and 31 to
reach a decision on who will take over the bank’s presidency for the
next term. However, he clarified that for the moment is not clear
which of the BSTDB member states will present candidates.

In the 7th Annual General Assembly meeting of the bank’s shareholders
held in Yerevan, Armenia yesterday, it was decided that Azerbaijan
will succeed Armenia in the BSTDB Board of Governors Presidency.
Also, the governors of Moldavia and Russia were elected as Board of
Governors deputy presidents for the period until the BSTDB next
general assembly meeting to take place in Baku, Azerbaijan on June
11, 2006.