MOSCOW: Turkmen capital hosts regional nuclear conference

Turkmen capital hosts regional nuclear conference

Interfax news agency, Moscow
6 Jun 05


A regional conference of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
Organization [CNTBTO] was opened in Asgabat [Turkmen capital] on
Monday [6 June].

“The treaty, which meets the interests of the whole world community,
is an efficient factor in preventing attempts to develop nuclear
weapons and in promoting nuclear non-proliferation, which in many
respects serve to reduce global and regional tensions,” a CNTBTO
representative, Moshen Ashtiani [Dr Moshen Chafuri-Ashtiani the
Iranian President of the International Institute of Earthquake
Engineering and Seismology, he is involved with the CNTBTO Preparatory
Commission], stressed during the opening of the conference.

The three-day forum is being held with the support of the Turkmen

The theme of the conference is “The Significance, Advantages and the
Current State of Work on the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in
Central Asia and Caucasus”. Specialists from Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
are participating in the conference.

The Turkmen side is represented by specialists from the National
Research Institute of Seismology at the Supreme Council on Science and
Technology under the Turkmen president, and specialists from the
Defence Ministry and the Turkmengeologiya [Turkmen geology] state

Turkmenistan jointed the CNTBTO in September 1996, and this document
was ratified by the country’s parliament in February 1998.