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KLO Demanded to Turn Vladimir Kazimirov Out of Azerbaijan


BAKU, JUNE 8. ARMINFO-TURAN. International seminar entitled
“Azerbaijan’s Geopolitical Importance” has opened today in Baku with a
scandal. Representatives of Karabakh Liberation Organization demanded
that Vladimir Kazimirov, former MG co-chairman, should leave the hall.

“The man, who does not recognize Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity,
cannot stay here,” said Firudin Jalilov, deputy chairman of
Organization. But participants have proposed to give Kazimirov
permission to speak and express his position in a civilized form. The
tension has been temporary relieved, but the Organization’s members
are waiting for Kazimirov’s speech in the International Press Club,
where the seminar is taking place, ready to take some steps.

Novruz Mamedov, head of presidential administration’s international
relations department, evaded the main topic and said that Azerbaijan
is a democratic country and authorities take every effort to conduct
democratic elections.

British Ambassador Bristow said that London has been building its
relationships with Baku within the framework of its foreign policy
priorities. The priorities include prevention of international
terrorism, strengthening of democratic norms and implementation of
energy projects. Azerbaijan’s geostrategical importance for UK is in
these matters, said diplomat. He added that long-term development of
Azerbaijan and its partnership with UK is impossible without supremacy
of law, observation of human rights and democratic norms.

Deputy Asim Mollazade said that Azerbaijan’s geostrategic role grows
considering strategic partnership between Baku and Tbilisi. The
partnership allows resolving some global problems, including regional
security, global energy projects and integration into European
institutions. Settlement of these and other questions is possible
through active support of the West. But Armenia’s policy is based on
opposition to all these factors and Armenia is opposed to global
changes on the South Caucasus.

Georgii Gelashvili, representative of Georgian Public Sciences Centre,
said that Georgia and Azerbaijan are the countries implementing
regional projects and moving together towards Europe. The countries
need stability to carry into life their projects and weaken Russian
influence. As transportation of Caspian energy resources to the West
will grow, Russian influence will strengthen, he added. Alliance of
Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan is very important from this viewpoint
and Kazakhstan’s joining the alliance will be of great importance.

Gelashvili said Russia plays a destructive role on the South Caucasus
freezing the conflicts settlement, while Georgia and Azerbaijan are
opposed to Moscow’s efforts through support of the West.

Vladimir Kazimirov, former Russian co-chairman of OSCE Minsk Group,
has devoted his speech to the Karabakh conflict settlement. He
stressed that both Armenians and Azerbaijanis are wrong, because they
are doing nothing, but deceiving themselves. Kazimirov said the
parties should observe cease-fire regime and make peace. The statement
has caused protest of the participants, who accused Kazimirov of
pro-Armenian position and unwillingness to recognize the evident facts
of Azerbaijan’s occupation by Armenian troops. Kazimirov was so much
carried away by his reasoning that he did not take a risk to answer
the question if Chechnya belongs to Russia or not?

The seminar is organized by NGO Links and Civilization. British
Ambassador Laurie Bristow, Novruz Mamedov, head of presidential
administration’s international relations department, Ali Hasanov,
chief of presidential administration’s public-political department,
parliament Deputies, political scientists and experts from Russia,
Iran and Georgia take part at the seminar.

The following topics will be discussed at the seminar: Azerbaijan In
The Context of South Caucasus, Azerbaijan in the Context of Changes in
Europe and Near East and Advantage of Azerbaijan’s Geopolitical

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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