Day of Slavonic letters in Yerevan

AZG Armenian Daily #105, 09/06/2005



“The more languages we learn, the richer is our motherland, while the
Slavonic literature belongs to the humanity. We should not ignore the
culture that was created during many centuries,” the professors and the
lecturers of the faculty of the Russian Language and Literature and Foreign
Languages at the Yerevan State Linguistic University after Valeri Brusov

It’s been the fifth year already that the Day of Slavonic Letters is being
celebrated at the Yerevan State Linguistic University. The students and the
professors of the Russian-English Department of the University organized an
arrangement dedicated to this day. The students represented Slavonic dances
and music, the ancient and contemporary cultural values, the places of
interest and the architecture. The students of the faculty told about the
lives and deeds of the Slavonic Illuminators who were fighting for the
freedom and the culture of their nations.

The organizers and the participants of the arrangement stated that the
politics should be separated from the culture. Many of the Armenian poets
were inspired with the strive of the Slavonic nations for freedom and
patriotic feelings of the Slavonic nations and composed beautiful poetry.

The organizers are sure that such arrangements will contribute to deeper
studies of Slavonic culture and history.

By Hasmik Harutyunian