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Kazimirov: Prague process fine name for rare meetings of two FMs

Pan Armenian News


09.06.2005 04:32

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «Terms do not alter the essence of the problem. Prague
process is a fine name, just like the Minsk Group which is called that way
in spite it has never been to Minsk, You may call this process the way you
wish. You may call it a «Mozambique process» if you want, stated former
Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Vladimir Kazimirov, Day.az reported.
`Touching upon the Prague process I can say that several meetings were
really held in Prague, then – in Frankfurt, London. It is already evident
now that the attractive label of the `Prague process’ is invented by the
parties to calm down the domestic audience. Meanwhile, there are merely rare
meetings of two Foreign Ministers with participation of the OSCE MG
Co-Chairs, who are per se commissioned to hold talks between all parties to
conflict as soon as possible,’ the Russian diplomat remarked. In his words,
the Minsk process never brought the negotiating parties to an OSCE
conference on Nagorno Karabakh. It is not clear what the `Prague’ process
will bring to yet. It is not ruled out that another capital will appear,
thus marking the next stage of the endless procession, he noted. «Success
attained during the settlement process is not that of the MG. The
cease-fire, which is maintained during 11 years is the exclusive achievement
of Russia. Just owing to Russia the agreement on the cease-fire was made in
Bishkek in spite of some obstacles some MG partners put on our way,»
Kazimirov summed up.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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