“Kocharyan will not return lands” Opposition Announced in NATO PA


| 19:26:29 | 08-06-2005 | Politics |


During the last session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly spring session
the Armenian delegates had to counter-attack the Azeri delegation suchlike
comments, `We highly appreciate the latest constructive meeting
Kocharyan-Aliev where the issue of the return of the 7 territories has
actually been solved’.

What is most interesting is that the counter-attacker was not a coalition
deputy but the secretary of the opposition party National Unity Alexan
Karapetyan. In answer to the `trouble making policy of the Turks’ he said
that there is not a single arrangement about the return of the territories
and it is absolutely excluded. Alexan Karapetyan has made this announcement
proceeding not from clear-cut information but from his own conviction, `I am
sure that Robert Kocharyan will sooner resign than return any lands’. The
head of the delegation Mher Shahgeldyan has informed the Azeri in a more
reserved way that there is no such arrangement and absolutely no such
approach to that problem.

In the NATO Parliamentary Assembly session the Azeri delegation has made an
attempt to discuss the Karabakh conflict from the very beginning, starting
from 1988. In answer to that Mher Shahgeldyan said that in that case we must
start the discussion from the referendum and not forget about the Baku and
Sumgayit massacres. But the PA President has prevented the discussion put
forward by the Azeris.

The session has also discussed South Caucasian issues about ethnic
minorities, non-governmental organizations, religion and others. By the way,
in the report of the main speaker the facts about Armenia were rather
violated. Particularly, according to Mher Shahgeldyan, it was announced in
the Assembly session that in Armenia the Law on Alternative Military Service
has not yet been adopted, and that in Armenia the Church has a special
status. But during the session Mher Shahgeldyan has given explanations and
informed those present that the information of the Assembly is a result of a

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress