Antelias: Dialogue No More A Question of Choice; It Is A Necessity

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr. Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317


Stated His Holiness Aram I

In his concluding remarks addressed to the international inter-religious
Conference taking place in Geneva, His Holiness Aram I, the Moderator of the
World Council of Churches, said:

“1. Papers that were presented from this podium, interventions that were
made from the flour and discussions that took place in the groups were all
motivated by your sincere desire and strong engagement to continue the
inter-religious dialogue with renewed emphasis and growing pace and by
broadening the scope of our reflection, and by concretising the agenda of
our action. This was, indeed, one of the most significant features of this

2. We spoke about issues that separate us. We also spoke about values and
concerns that unite us. Mutual respect and understanding, mutual trust and
acceptance, which are essential conditions of a credible dialogue, have been
so eloquently and existentially manifested throughout the Conference.
Diversities are integral to our religious teachings, beliefs and traditions;
we must preserve and enrich them. Yet, we must together seek and deepen our
common values that may bring us closer to each other as one broader
community transcending our specific communities.

3. We once again reminded ourselves that dialogue is no more a question of
choice; it is a necessity. It is imposed on us by growing globalisation; by
challenges, concerns and anxieties facing our communities. The landscape of
inter-religious dialogue is full of new hopes and new risks, new
uncertainties and new promises. This Conference has provided us with a
unique opportunity to assess the present predicament of our dialogue, spell
out the emerging perspectives and concerns and look forward with a clear
vision of «one world-one humanity».

4. The common desire to go «beyond dialogue» was a permanent trend in our
discussions. Action-oriented dialogue repeatedly came to the fore of our
debate. Indeed, we need a quality of acting together that is generated by
our inter-action; that is based on common values, and sustained by common
vision. Transforming dialogue to relationship, to living together and
working together must remain a common goal.

5. Education in pluralist societies and inter-religious education have been
constantly referred to as priorities. I believe that inter-religious
dialogue must help religions to realistically assess and reassess their
educational approaches, strategies and methodologies in a way that, on the
one hand, they remain faithful to their own teachings and traditions, and on
the other hand, they become relevant and responsive to the particularities
of their specific contexts.

6. The « imagining the future» was one of the clear expectations emanating
from the Conference. We made special efforts to look forward by giving
concrete articulation to our expectations. In this respect we identified a
number of areas and challenges which require inter-religious approach. In my
Introductory remarks I said that this event must become a continuous and
hopefully a growing process. I am happy that many of you echoed positively
to this idea. There are things that we can do together. There are also
things that, for many reasons, we can not do together. We must be realistic,
yet hopeful. We must continue our journey together. People are expecting
moral guidance from religions. At this crucial juncture of the history of
humanity we are called to reassume our vocation, with the profound sense of
responsibility and accountability, in a world torn apart by tensions and
hopelessness. Let us recommit ourselves to continue this common journey of
faith and hope”.

In its final report the Conference emphasised the necessity of continuing
the inter-religious dialogue, relations and collaborations.


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The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.