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BAKU: Official expects progress in peace talks

Official expects progress in peace talks

Baku, June 9, AssA-Irada

The Azerbaijan-Armenia talks on the Upper Garabagh conflict settlement over
the past few months can be considered a step forward and certain progress is
likely to be achieved, a presidential administration official said.
Head of the President’s Office department on international relations Novruz
Mammadov says that the Armenian leadership has started realizing and assessing
the processes ongoing in the region and around the world. `Armenia has begun
to assess the position of the international community and is stepping up its
efforts to settle the conflict’, Mammadov said.
`Armenians understand that if they don’t take steps to solve the conflict
peacefully, the situation will not be in their favor.’
Mammadov noted that Armenia’s statements and ways of approaching the
resolution of the Upper Garabagh conflict show that `they are not
indifferent to the problem and are more inclined to negotiating’.
The presidential administration official also said it is premature to
disclose the content of the talks at this point.*

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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