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Foreign service union withdraws award from ambassador

Foreign service union withdraws award from ambassador who made `genocide’
AP Worldstream; Jun 09, 2005

The union of career diplomats has withdrawn an award it had granted to
the U.S. ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, who classified as
“genocide” the deaths of large numbers of Armenians at Turkish hands
in 1915.

Evans’ comments to an Armenian group in California did not reflect
official U.S. policy.

In recognition of his independent stand, the American Foreign Service
Association decided to present Evans with its “constructive dissent

The Washington Post reported Thursday that the association decided to
withdraw the award because Evans did not meet the selection criteria.

It said that after complaints from Turkey, Evans amended his remarks
to say the events of 1915 represented an “Armenian tragedy” but not a

The Post reported that Evans said he had used the term “genocide” in
his “personal capacity” during “informal meetings,” and “this was

The newspaper said the association decided to withdraw the award
shortly before Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with
President George W. Bush on Wednesday in Washington.

Separately, Armenia’s foreign minister also was scheduled to hold
talks this week with senior officials.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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