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NKR Speaker satisfied with parliament’s work in the last 5 years

AZG Armenian Daily #106, 10/06/2005

Karabakh diary


On occasion of the end of NKR parliament’s 3d convocation, chairman of the
parliament, Oleg Yesayan, called a press conference on June 8 to present the
work of the National Assembly.

As a result of parliamentary elections in 2000, 4 parties united in 2
fractions — National Democratic and Armenian Revolutionary.

During the past 5 years, the National Assembly adopted 329 laws, 276 of
which were submitted to the government and 53 were adopted at deputies’
initiative. Besides, the NA took a number of important decisions and made

Yesayan underlined that no parliament session failed during this period
thanks to the lawmakers’ activity and responsibility.

NKR parliament is in close cooperation with the National Assembly of
Armenia. Thanks to this cooperation, the authorities have considerably
advanced in improving National Assembly’s legislation. Artsakh put into
circulation RA civil and penal codes, legislations on family and work.

Yesayan stated that the NA Control Chamber carried out audits at state and
non-governmental establishments and submitted conclusions on state budget’s
projects and expenditure. A few reports on infringements were submitted to
NKR chief prosecutor.

The work of the National Assembly was transparent both for journalists and
for the public. Yesayan thanked all journalists for impartial and timely
coverage of the work of the parliament.

Commenting on the statement of some political forces that Artsakh needs to
be a parliamentary state, said that Nagorno Karabakh should be ruled by a
president so far as the international community recognizes it. A powerful,
president, powerful government and powerful parliament — that is what will
help to settle all issues, he concluded.

By Kim Gabrielian in Stepanakert

Toneyan Mark:
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