Turkish MP: Turkey cannot deny what has already taken place

Pan Armenian News


11.06.2005 04:17

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «The visit to the National Assembly of Armenia is one of
the steps on the way of further actions,» Deputy of the Grand National
Assembly of Turkey Turhan Comez stated at a meeting with Armenian
Parliamentary Speaker Artur Baghdassaryan, reported the Press Service of the
National Assembly of Armenia. In the course of the meeting he said the fact
that both countries are ready and wish to discuss questions not only for
development of bilateral relations is very important. In Comez’ words,
Turkey cannot deny what has already happened and one has to go forward and
to view the reality openly. Nevertheless, he called the problem of
recognition of the Genocide a task for historians. «We are countries that
are situated in the same geographic territory and have to come to an
agreement,» Comez remarked. In the course of the meeting he welcomed the
Armenian Speaker on behalf of his Turkish counterpart Bulent Arinc. He also
said he was ready to disseminate ideas discussed in the course of the
meeting among the Turkish society and Government. The parties also discussed
matters of organizing a possible meeting of the Armenian and Turkish youth
under the auspices of the Parliaments of the two countries to discuss urgent
problems of Armenian-Turkish relations.