Venice Commission expressed disappointment



| 14:23:51 | 13-06-2005 | Politics |

During the ratification of the second intermediate conclusion about
the constitutional reforms in Armenia the Venice Commission has stated
the following, “The Commission regrets that the draft adopted by
the National Assembly from the three possible variants contains only
several contextual improvements and has not taking into account fully
the remarks of the first intermediate conclusion of the Commission”.

The Commission also states, “The adopted draft does not correspond to
the European standards and does not take into account the offers made
by the Venice Commission and the COE. In this respect the Commission
expresses deep disappointment with the absence of progress in the
cooperation with the Armenian authorities”.

The Commission also expressed its regret for the complex political
atmosphere in which the draft constitution was adopted. The
intermediate conclusion is concluded by the following demand of the
Venice Commission, “The draft constitution must be totally reconsidered
before the second reading and it must taking into full account the
previous conclusions of the Commission”.

By the way, in contrast to this NA deputy President Tigran Torosyan
had informed that according to the second intermediate conclusion the
draft adopted by the first reading has been improved in comparison
to the previous one.

In the Venice Commission session the conclusion about the RA Electoral
Code has also been ratified. As far as the Commission is not yet
acquainted with the final version of the Electoral Code, a decision
has been made to represent a conclusion after reading the text.