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Let’s be ready for emergencies



| 16:57:44 | 13-06-2005 | Social |

The International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) is
in Armenia. On the initiative of different international and other
Rescue Advisory Groups which took part in the Spitak earthquake rescue
works in 1991 this structure was formed within the UN.

As Nikolay Grigoryan, head of the Emergency Administration information
service informs, the main aim is the efficient organization of the
international rescue advisory works, regulation of the works of
emergency services of different countries, processing of a general
methodology, and establishing cooperation between international
rescuers and local disaster eliminating structures.

On June 11-15 INSARAG will carry out the usual training in Armenia.
Representatives from 16 countries will take part in the training ~V
Armenia, France, USA, Sweden, Austria, Belarus, Japan, Turkey, Estonia,
Greece, Lebanon, Cyprus, Tunisia, South Africa, Jordan, and Iceland.

Boshkezenian Garik:
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