Oskanyan to return with a grant



| 17:51:35 | 13-06-2005 | Official |

RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan who is in China on an official
visit met CPR Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing.

The discussion went on during the official banquet. The Ministers spoke
about the Armenian-Chinese relations and stated with content that for
the first three months of this year the commercial-economic balance
has risen for 73%. They found the enhancing of cooperation in the
scientific-technical and educational fields extremely important. They
also spoke about the inter-university student exchange and about the
programs giving the Armenian scientists the possibility to realize
investigations in the Chinese universities.

Taking into account the firm political bonds between Armenia and
China, the sides have also discussed the possibilities of efficient
consultation and cooperation in the international structures,
including the UN. Ideas have also been exchanged about the Nagorno
Karabakh and Taiwan conflicts.

At the end of the meeting the Ministers signed an agreement between
the Republic of Armenia and the Chinese People~Rs Republic about the
mutual allotting of lands for the Embassies of both countries. They
also exchanged letters about the Chinese grant of 5 million juans
(800 000 USD) to be given to Armenia as technical support.

Then the RA Foreign Minister visited the new building of the RA
Embassy. On the same day Vardan Oskanyan met the Chinese Prime Minister
Vyen Dsiabao.

Tomorrow, on June 14, Minister Oskanyan will meet Van Xiaru, head of
the Chinese Communist Party International Administration. Furthermore,
the RA Minister will leave Peking for London, where that very day
he will make a speech in the Genocide Memorial event which will take
place in the Great Britain House of Lords.