Azerbaijan taking advantage of the mistakes of Armenia



| 17:11:44 | 15-06-2005 | Social |

The road to be constructed through the Shikahogh reserve arouses not
only ecological problems. During today’s press conference organized by
the non-governmental organization “Forests of Armenia” the political
side of the problem was also introduced.

It turns out that Azerbaijan has already started to take advantage
of the mistake of Armenia in the international circles. President
of the non-governmental organization “For Steady Development” Karine
Danielyan showed a document sent by the Azeris to the international
organizations. They try to use the Shikahogh issue for their
profits. “They announce in all the international organizations that
Armenia is the basis for ecological disasters in Trans Caucasus”,
says Mrs. Danielyan and states that the Shikahogh issue has a serious
political shade.

Representative of the non-governmental organization “Forests of
Armenia” Karen Afrikyan adds that, “We will give our treasures to
Azerbaijan on a tray”. In order to prove what he said, he explains that
in order to realize the construction of the road explosions are to be
done. Realizing explosions in the reserve means that part of the flora
will migrate to the neighboring country, that is – Azerbaijan. Let
us remind you that in the reserve there are 183 species of animals,
32 of which are recorded in the Armenian Red Book, and 3-4 – in the
International Red Book.

Specialists of not only ecological but also legislative and
construction fields were present at today’s press conference. Lawyer
Nazeli Vardanyan enumerated more than 10 state and international laws
and conventions with the violation of which the road construction
will be realized.

By the way, according to non-state calculations, the reserve relief
is very complex for construction works, and it will make not only
the construction, but also the further exploitation of the road very
difficult. Let us only mention that the road can freeze even in case
of a light reduction of temperature.

Today the non-governmental organizations have an offer to the RA
authorities – to construct the road Armenia-Iran by another program
which will not pass through Shikahogh reserve. The construction was
processed by the specialists on the spot taking into account the
ecological, geographical, construction and other necessary norms.

By the way, today the press has spread information according to
which the RA authorities have renounced the idea of construction
the road through the reserve. Nevertheless, this was only published
in the newspapers, and no official has confirmed it yet, so the
representatives of the non-governmental organizations are not going
to give up the combat. According to them, the information can be “a
soft pillow under their head” and not correspond to the reality at all.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress