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CSTO chief to meet Armenian president

CSTO chief to meet Armenian president

ITAR-TASS News Agency
June 14, 2005 Tuesday

MOSCOW, June 14

Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation
(CSTO) Nikolai Bordyuzha will fly to the Armenian capital Yerevan on
Tuesday on a working visit.

He will hold talks on the state of affairs in the Collective Security
Treaty Organisation, as well as on issues to be put on the agenda of
the forthcoming CSTO session.

The press service of the CSTO Secretariat told Itar-Tass, “In the
course of his trip to the Republic of Armenia CSTO Secretary General
Nikolai Bordyuzha will inform Armenian President Robert Kocharyan of
the state of affairs in the organisation.” According to the Secretariat
official, Bordyuzha “also plans to meet the defence minister –
secretary of the Security Council under the Armenian president.”

“The main purpose of the trip is to inform President Kocharyan
and other top-ranking officials of the state of affairs in the
organisation, consider issues to be put on the agenda of the CSTO
session – the supreme CSTO body, due in the second half of June,
as well as meetings of charter bodies – the Council of Foreign and
Defence Ministers and the Committee of Security Council Secretaries,”
Bordyuzha said on Monday. “Armenia is one of the most active CSTO
participants,” he stressed.

In the view of Bordyuzha, Armenia’s activity is effective in all CSTO
spheres. The Caucasian (Russian-Armenian) coalition troops (forces)
group of the CSTO is a considerable component of the organisation’s
force. Armenia takes an active part in combating new challenges
and threats.

The working trip of the CSTO chief will last for three days. The
session of the Collective Security Council and a meeting of charter
bodies of the CSTO are planned to be held in Moscow on June 22-23.

CSTO participants are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Russia and Tajikistan.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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