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Ill people in danger in Armenia



| 13:29:40 | 15-06-2005 | Social |

“A doctor of bad qualification is dangerous for the society”, this was
the announcement made by Health deputy Minister Tatoul Hakobyan in the
National Assembly. Proceeding from this principle, it was offered to
establish the state monopoly of the medical education with the Law
on Health which is still in the processing phase.

The specialists are afraid that the private higher educational
institutions do not provide decent education for the doctors. The
Education and Science Ministry has also been offered to exclude the
Bachelor and MA degrees from medical education. If the Ministry accept
the offer, that will also be taken into consideration in the law.

During the Parliamentary hearings organized by the Standing Committee
on Social Affairs, Health Care and Environment, the most important
issue was considered the discussion of the draft Law on Health with the
specialists of the field, that is with the doctors. By the way, there
is not a single clear-cut law n the Republic regulating the health
field. At present the Law on the medical care of the population adopted
in 1956 is practiced, but needless to say it does not correspond to
the present demands.

The draft law also offers to control the medical
technologies. According to the offer, the medical technologies must
be subject to simplified registration, so that not unknown medical
equipment is imported into the country.

The Law on Health will be discussed with all the concerned parties
for the coming 2 months before being represented to the NA to be
adopted by first hearing.

Toneyan Mark:
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