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MOSCOW: Azerbaijani minister in Moscow condemns Karabakh cease-firev

Azerbaijani minister in Moscow condemns Karabakh cease-fire violations

ITAR-TASS news agency
15 Jun 05

Moscow, 15 June: The Azeri leadership is concerned by repeated
violations of the cease-fire in the area of the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict, Azerbaijan’s deputy interior minister, the commander-in-chief
of the country’s Interior Ministry troops, Lt Gen Zakir Hasanov, told
journalists today. A delegation from the Interior Ministry troops,
headed by Gen Hasanov, is in Moscow on an official visit at the
invitation of the Russian Interior Ministry.

“International organizations, including the United Nations, are dealing
with this problem,” the commander said. He said that “when the Nagornyy
Karabakh problem is solved by political means, Azerbaijan’s Interior
Ministry troops will maintain public order there”.

Gen Hasanov also said that during the preparations and holding
of parliamentary elections in the country, internal troops will
“maintain public order in the republic to the highest degree”. He said:
“All illegal actions by extremists will be stopped, we will have no
problem with this.”

Nahapetian Boris:
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