NKR: “National Referendum” Continues


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
13 June 05

Naira Melkumian believes that by supporting Artsakh Armenian people
once again say “YES” to the independence of Artsakh. For any
country a strong economy is the precondition for country’s
development. Nagorno Karabakh Republic, which is still very young, is
considered to be an area of risk for investments and business.
However, all the conditions are there, owing to which the country
will have a strong economy in the future. The all-Armenian foundation
“Hayastan” has a considerable contribution to the
rehabilitation and development of the economy of Artsakh. In the
recent years the foundation has been focusing on Artsakh mainly. The
construction of the highway “North – South” referred to as
the spine of Artsakh will be soon completed on the means of this
organization which unites the Armenians spread all over the world.
Next the Programme of Revival of Artsakh will be launched. Our talk
with the executive director of the all-Armenian foundation
“Hayastan” Naira Melkumian was about the Programme of Revival
of Artsakh and her vision of the future plans of the foundation.
CHRISTINE MNATSAKANIAN: “Mrs. Melkumian, would you comment on the
name of the programme “Revival of Artsakh”?” NAIRA
MELKUMIAN: “First of all, the idea of the programme belongs to
the NKR president. And the board of trustees, which is, in one way,
the entire Armenian nation, also wishes to see Artsakh reconstructed.
Therefore, the programme we are implementing was named “Revival
of Artsakh”. And in order for Artsakh to revive, first of all the
development of the regions which have more economic potential should
be spurred. Last year NKR President Arkady Ghukassian set forth the
issue of developing the regions separately. The region of Martakert
was considered first. The strategic plan consists of three stages
and, besides Martakert, involves the regions of Hadrut and Martuni as
well. Thus, in the near future the regions of Martuni, Hadrut and
Martakert will be revived.” C.M.: “By which principle were
you guided in making a choice? Why did you decide to start with
Martakert?” N.M.: “This region is one of those which suffered
more during the war and there is urgent need for reconstruction of
infrastructures, educational, health and other institutions, houses.
Besides, it was taken into consideration that Martakert possesses
more economic opportunities, the development of which may change the
economic situation in Artsakh. Considering the natural resources,
including minerals, as well as the agricultural potential, we think
that Martakert has all the opportunities to become the leading region
of Artsakh. Besides, by this programme we also envisage solving the
problem of unemployment. The region of Martakert can employ much more
people in their own country preventing them from leaving the country
to work abroad.” C.M.: “What particular steps will be taken
in this direction?” N.M.: “This is, indeed, a complex
programme. It is going to be a so-called regional development
programme, that is to say, we will take into consideration the
interrelated problems of Martakert. We are not going to solve
separate problems, but together with the NKR government we will
decide on which villages the focus of the programme will be. In the
framework of the programme we will reconstruct schools, medical
stations, water pipelines. At the same time there will be special
focus on the development of agriculture, considering the fact that
today agriculture is business. The implementation of the programme is
necessary to prevent emigration. We will take into consideration
human resources in Karabakh. The ability of the people of Karabakh to
work as a team will be put at the heart of the programme. Our goal is
not only prevention of emigration but also promotion of
re-settlement. For this reason we have to provide opportunities for
the people of Artsakh to feel full citizens and to be able to run
agriculture as a form of business.” C.M.: “Which is the
political role of the programme?” N.M.: “I believe that the
new programme will support the consciousness of the independent
state. A country and people are truly independent if they can solve
their political issues independently. At present the political issue
of Karabakh is settled on the economic plane, and the development of
Artsakh makes the political reality that today we have as Nagorno
Karabakh Republic irreversible. I am sure that the economic revival
of Artsakh will enable putting forward the issue of international
recognition of Artsakh as an independent republic.” C.M.:
“How long will the economic revival of Artsakh take?” N.M.:
“Within a year we will find the necessary financial resources,
after which the implementation of the programme proper will begin. If
we manage to raise the necessary sum within a year, the programme
will be completed in three years. We do not have time to spend 5-6
years on every project and we must always keep this in our minds. All
these programmes should be a call for alertness for all of us. I hope
that like in the previous year, this year too, the people of Armenia
will take part actively in the telethon. This is extremely important.
I think, in a way this is a referendum and people answer the question
“Do we need Artsakh, or not?” And if Armenia donates 1
million dollars, it means that the Armenian people in this way vote
for the settlement of the issue.” C.M.: “What innovations
will there be in Telethon 2005, which may promote donations?”
N.M.: “Actually, it is early to speak about innovations because,
as you already know, the telethon will be held in November. At the
moment I only can say that in this telethon we will replace the
phrase “national tribute” by “national donation”. We
withdraw the principle of duty and introduce the idea of donation
because a person cannot be obliged to make a donation but he should
do it with an inner urge. Although I want to mention that so far no
one has made their donation under obligation. It was a gift, a
donation to their people and country.” C.M.: “The previous
telethons showed that the Armenians living in Russia were passive in
making donations. What will be done this year to involve them in this
action?” N.M.: “Certain representatives of the Armenian
community of Russia play an active role indeed. They made and
continue making a significant contribution to the economic
development of Artsakh. It is another question that we do not have a
local body there yet. This problem is being solved currently. There
are many businessmen in Russia who come from Karabakh, and I hope
that the foundation will become a link through which they will
support the development programme of Martakert. In the long run, I am
sure, that the idea of supporting this invaluable programme will
unite the Armenians all over the world.”


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress