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British-Armenian Parliamentary Group demands that UK recognizeArmeni


Pan Armenian News
16.06.2005 03:35

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The British-Armenian multi-partisan parliamentary
group organized an international conference at the House of Lords
yesterday, reported the Press Service of the Foreign Ministry of
Armenia. Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian was invited as the main speaker at
it. Head of the Armenian-British Friendship Group baroness Caroline
Cox and Armenian Ambassador to UK Vahe Gabriyelyan addressed the
opening of the conference. Senior Aide of the Canadian Prime Minister
Sarkis Assadourian, head of the Armenian-French Friendship Group
of the French Parliament Francois Rochebloine, Executive Director
of Beth Shalom Holocaust Commemoration Foundation James Smith
also addressed the meeting. V. Oskanian made the key report. The
conference subject was the issue of genocide, which is considered
as a threat to the humanity today as well, genocide prevention by
the international community, unacceptability of the Turkish policy
of denial of the Armenian Genocide. The issue of acknowledgement of
the Armenian Genocide was discussed within the context of Turkey’s
accession to the EU. At that it was noted that before it Ankara
has to recognize the Armenian Genocide and normalize relations
with Yerevan. V. Oskanian drew the attention of those present to
the contradiction between the statements and actions of the Turkish
Government, which on the one hand tries to come out as a proponent of
the truce, while on the other criminalizes the term «genocide», bans
public discussion of the issue in the country and event demands that
the British Government revise histories of Genocide witnesses diplomat
James Brice and historian Arnold Toynbee. Nevertheless, not seeing an
alternative to the Armenian-Turkish reconciliation, V. Oskanian said
Armenia is ready to normalize the Armenian-Turkish relations without
preconditions. British politicians and public figures, foreign guests,
diplomats and representative of British and foreign media were present
at the event. The latest event of this level was organized in 2000 due
to the 85th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. After the conference
a dinner was organized in honor of V. Oskanian. In the latter half of
the day the British-Armenian Group addressed the British Government
a demand supported by 3 thousand signatures to recognize the Armenian
Genocide and promote Armenian-Turkish reconciliation. Yesterday a joint
liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic and Anglican Churches marked the 90th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. V. Oskanian, V. Gabriyelyan,
baroness Cox, founder of the British-Armenian Parliamentary Group
duke Shanon, abbot Rice and other were present at the liturgy. The
same evening V. Oskanian left London for Brussels, where he will
present Armenia’s Action Plan to the EU and the North Atlantic Council.


Torosian Aram:
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