Cossacks of Azerbaijan << intend to help Baku solve Karabakh issue>>


Pan Armenian News
16.06.2005 06:55

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Friendly Association of Azeri Cossacks (FAAC)
has asked Republic President Ilham Aliyev to form a Cossack battalion
within the National Army. Baku MPs have supported Cossacks. FAAC
leaders do not conceal that the decision of the Russian State Duma,
passed the Bill on State Service of Russian Cossacks in the first
reading on May 18 ~V on the day of the 200th anniversary of the Don
Cossacks’ capital of Novocherkassk. By the way, it is submitted for
consideration by the MPs by Vladimir Putin. The document provides
for service of Russian Cossacks in Armed Forces. The formations they
will join will given traditional Cossack names. FAAC Chairman Victor
Mereshkin explained that Cossacks of Azerbaijan has studied the bill
and asked President Ilham Aliyev to lobby a similar one. «We are
ready to do everything to assist the country leadership in solving
the Karabakh problem. Karabakh should belong to Azerbaijan not only
de jure, but also de facto,» Mereshkin said. In his words, there are
1.5 thousand Cossacks in Azerbaijan. He reported that according to
the statute of Cossacks, representatives of other nationalities,
including Azeris, can serve in Cossack battalions. Baku MPs have
already stated they are ready to support the FAAC initiative. Milli
Mejlis Deputy Mais Safarli urged to legalize the activities of
local Cossacks. «Victor Mereshkin has fought in the Karabakh war at
Azerbaijan’s part. All Cossacks he leads are people, who are ready
to fight for Karabakh. They propagate Azerbaijan everywhere and have
attained the support of Russian Cossack societies’ support of our
country,» the MP said. In his words, in the near future the Azeri
Parliament intends to discuss the matter of service of local Cossacks
in a detachment within the National Army, the Novye Izvestia reported.
