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ASBAREZ Online [06-16-2005]


1) Germany Angers Turkey with Resolution on Armenian ‘Massacres’
2) ARF’s Margarian Stresses Armenia Not at A Disadvantage in Karabagh Talks
3) ANCA Launches Response to Erdogan’s Wave of Genocide Denial
4) His Holiness Karekin II Meets with Governor Schwarzenegger

1) Germany Angers Turkey with Resolution on Armenian ‘Massacres’

BERLIN (Bloomberg/DPA)Straining relations with Turkey, the German Bundestag
parliament adopted a resolution on Thursday condemning the massacre of up to
1.5 million ethnic Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 90 years ago.
The resolution criticized the current government of Turkey for “neglecting to
address the issue” in a forthright manner.
Turkey’s foreign minister Abdullah Gul denounced the resolution as
“irresponsible, appalling and injurious” to relations between the two
“We note this decision with regret and we strongly condemn it,” said a
statement released by the foreign ministry. The statement accused the
resolution of being rooted in “domestic politics” and called it “irresponsible
and narrow-minded.”
The extent of the massacres and deportations of Armenians is still being
played down or denied by the modern Turkish government, contradicting the idea
of reconciliation promoted by the European Union, according to the motion,
which was submitted by all parliamentary groups. It stopped short of
the killings as genocide.
“The lower house of parliament regrets that an extensive discussion of events
in the then Ottoman Empire still is not possible and that academics and
who want to look into this part of Turkish history are being prosecuted and
defamed,” the motion said.
Turkey denies allegations that the Ottoman Empire’s treatment of its Armenian
subjects in 1915 was a planned genocide, arguing that an Armenian rebellion
caused clashes and the resulting deaths. The European Union, with which Turkey
is due to start membership talks Oct. 3, has said the dispute with Armenia
clouds Turkey’s bid to join.
“It’s not possible to accept the notion of `genocide’ without relying on
documents and information,” Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
said at
a news conference in Beirut, Lebanon on Thursday. “We are proud of our
Therefore we cannot stand by while this issue is being used as a political
tool, as free political capital by lobby groups.”

‘Abundantly Documented’

Turkey should take responsibility for the deaths because the evidence of
genocide is “abundantly documented,” the Purdue University, Indiana-based
International Association of Genocide Scholars said in a letter to Erdogan on
April 6.
During a visit to Turkey on May 4, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder urged
the Armenian government to accept a proposal by Turkey that scholars from both
countries study the genocide claims.
More than 1 million Armenians died in massacres, on death marches through the
Syrian desert or in camps, the German parliamentary motion said. Acknowledging
the former injustice would help normalize the relationship between Armenia and
Turkey and stabilize the Caucasus region, it said.
The lawmakers said Turkey is showing some positive signs that it is beginning
to address the issue, such as an invitation to Turks of Armenian origin by the
Turkish National Assembly to talk about the crimes, an exchange of documents
between Turkish and Armenian historians and Erdogan opening the first Armenian
museum in Istanbul.
Still, they criticized the cancellation by the Turkish Justice Ministry of a
conference on the subject by Turkish academics that had been due to take place
in May.
The motion also expressed regret that the German government of the time
act to prevent the killings even though it was aware of what was happening.

2) ARF’s Margarian Stresses Armenia Not at A Disadvantage in Karabagh Talks

YEREVAN (YERKIR)–Commenting on the current stage of negotiations in settling
the Mountainous Karabagh conflict, Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)
Bureau representative Hrant Margarian said during a press conference on
Thursday that it is wrong to create a defeatist environment in Armenia.
He stressed that while there is international pressure on Azerbaijan to
that Karabagh–and probably Lachin as wellshould join Armenia, the same forces
pressure Armenia to accept the return of liberated territories to Azerbaijan.
“I don’t believe there is an Armenian who wants the liberated territories to
be returned,” Margarian said. “I admit, however, that the issue can be touched
on during negotiations, soley for tactical reasons.”
He said that Azerbaijan, even in principal, refuses to consider the issue of
ceding Karabagh to Armenia, and instead of negotiating, resorts to militant
Pointing to Azerbaijan’s position, he asked, “Why do we then create a
seemingly defeatist mood among our people?”
“This is unwise, to say the least. Our people have paid a big price for the
liberation of Karabagh and will not let anyone surrender territories.” He
that concessions should not include Karabagh’s sovereignty, national identity,
and present borders.
Speaking about Armenia’s coalition government, he said that it is
and just beyond a “formality.”
“Let no one cheat anyone else. It is the reality of this country. We must
at this reality with open eyes, with courage, and be able to find solutions.
Our new approach is that we will make every effort for the coalition to start
working soon,” Margarian concluded.

3) ANCA Launches Response to Erdogan’s Wave of Genocide Denial

Seven-part Action Alert featured on ANCA website

WASHINGTON, DC–Activists from across the United States, throughout Europe,
around the world are streaming to the Armenian National Committee of America’s
(ANCA) website to take part in a seven-part on-line response to Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recently unleashed international wave of
genocide denial.
In recent weeks, Erdogan has dramatically raised the stakes in his
government’s campaign to deny the Armenian Genocide, orchestrating the
of major media advertisements, applying intense pressure on foreign
governments, and severely cracking down on dissidents within Turkey who
seek to
speak openly about this crime against humanity. Elements of this wave of
denial include:

–Blocking the first-ever Armenian genocide conference in Turkey, which
was to
have taken place in Istanbul this June.
–Spending over $1,000,000 to have Time Magazine include DVDs denying the
Armenian genocide in all of its editions throughout Europe, and placing a
genocide denial ad in the Washington Post.
–Pressing the US government to withdraw the American Foreign Service
Association’s “Constructive Dissent” award to US Ambassador to Armenia John
Evans for speaking the truth about the Genocide.
–Pressuring President Bush, during their June 8th White House meeting, to
oppose the Armenian Genocide Resolution before Congress. This legislation
(H.Res.316) was introduced on June 14th by Congressmen George Radanovich
(R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Armenian Caucus Co-Chairmen Joe Knollenberg
(R-MI), and Frank Pallone (D-NJ).
–Twisting arms at the State Department to continue to exclude any mention of
the Armenian genocide in the Department’s official website’s section on
Armenian history.
–Imposing an effective “gag-rule,” silencing any US protests over Turkey’s
new Penal Code provision (Section 305) outlawing even the discussion of the

“The powerful response to our action alert reflects the seriousness with
Armenians worldwide are responding to Erdogan’s escalation of his attacks on
the truth, on the memories of genocide victims, and on the very security of
Armenia,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA.
“But he will fail–despite all the millions of dollars and vast political
capital he will expend. He’ll fail–because of the powerful grassroots
response he will face from Armenian Americans; because of the moral
of the American people as they learn more about how his government’s values
stand in stark contrast to those held by the vast majority of Americans;
because he is finding himself increasingly isolated internationally as he
his partners in denial, and – perhaps most importantly – because his years of
hateful lies and deception will collapse under their own weight,” added
The ANCA website– a seven-part array of action alerts
on issues ranging from the Armenian Genocide Resolution to the Time Magazine
(European Edition) DVD advertisement denying the Armenian Genocide. These
web-based components complement the work of the ANCA’s Washington, DC staff,
regional offices in Los Angeles and New York City, and its network of more
fifty chapters and tens of thousands of volunteer activists.

4) His Holiness Karekin II Meets with Governor Schwarzenegger

SACRAMENTO–Senator Chuck Poochigian welcomed His Holiness Karekin II,
Catholicos of All Armenians, to California’s State Capitol on Wednesday, where
he met privately with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and a number of lawmakers
at a reception in his honor.
The Governor and His Holiness spoke about the history of the Armenian Church
and people, the effects of Soviet rule on Armenia, and the condition of the
republic following the devastating earthquake, and collapse of communism. They
also discussed the spiritual growth of the people of Armenia and importance of
the church in the lives Armenians. His Holiness expressed gratitude to the
Governor for signing of SB 424, introduced by Sen. Poochigian, that
designates the week of April 24 California’s week of remembrance of the
Armenian genocide.

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Antonian Lara:
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