‘Ugly protest rally against PM Erdogan in Beirur’

AZG Armenian Daily #111, 17/06/2005



On June 15, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan left for
Beirut on a two-day visit. As an honored guest, he took part in the
Arab Economic Forum. The visit, being fist any prime minister of
Turkey ever paid, stood out for the warmth of Lebanese authorities.

But the Armenian Revolutionary Federation of Lebanon did not display
the same warm feelings towards PM Erdogan and, according to Turkish
press, demanded the Lebanese government to consider the parliament’s
resolution condemning Armenian Genocide while rubbing shoulders with
Turkey. The protest rally followed the next day.

On June 16, Milliyet wrote in an article titled “Armenians of
Lebanon Hold ‘Ugly’ Protest Against Erdogan”, informing that the
rally organized by the ARF was held at Beirut’s Burj Hamud Armenian
borough bringing in 1.500 participants with posters insulting Erdogan
and burning Turkish flag.

The protest is somewhat explicable and the appeal to the Lebanese
government can be acceptable but the protest rally should be rejected
and the organizers have to realize that their deeds could result
in unexpected developments for Lebanon. To make such a demand to
the Lebanese government, is to play down the issue of the Armenian
Genocide. As regards the insults to PM Erdogan, they will simple stir
up anti-Armenian actions in Turkey’s nationalistic circles.

By Hakob Chakrian