ANKARA: Turkey condemns German resolution

Turkey condemns German resolution

June 17 2005

Turkish-German relations could be harmed by a resolution passed by
the parliament in Berlin calling on Ankara to acknowledge that there
had been massacres of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire 90 years ago.

Guncelleme: 04:55 ET 17 Haziran 2005 CumaANKARA – The action of the
German parliament was irresponsible, the Turkish Foreign Ministry

The resolution, passed unanimously by the German parliament Thursday,
said there needed to be an honest appraisal of history so as to form
a basis for reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia.

Armenians allege that the Ottoman empire committed acts of genocide
against its Armenian community during the First World War, claims
Turkey strongly rejects.

A statement issued by the Turkish Foreign Ministry late Thursday
condemned the resolution and warned it would affect relations between
the two countries.

“We regret and strongly condemn the resolution,” the Turkish Foreign
Ministry statement said. “We are saddened to see the German
Parliament fail to listen to Turkey’s warnings that the resolution
would deeply hurt the Turkish people and have a negative impact on
bilateral ties.”

It was irresponsible and narrow-minded to use such a sensitive
subject for petty political calculations, the statement continued.
The motion in the German parliament also condemned the then German
government for failing to try to stop the killings. This was despite
having information about “the organised expulsion and extermination
of Armenians”.