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ANKARA: Turkish parties, unions protest against German decision on”A

Turkish parties, unions protest against German decision on “Armenian allegations”

TRT 1 television, Ankara
17 Jun 05

[Presenter] Reactions continue to the German parliament’s decision on
the Armenian allegations. Kamu-Sen [Public Sector Employee Unions]
laid a black wreath at the gate of the German embassy in Ankara and
protested against the decision. The CHP [Republican People’s Party],
DYP [True Path Party] and MHP [Nationalist Action Party] also faulted
the German parliament’s decision.

[CHP’s Kemal Anadol] This decision is a very ugly one. It is also a
great fiasco in terms of Turkey’s foreign policy. Certain circles want
to link events that occurred 90 to 100 years ago to current politics
and to use them against Turkey. It is difficult to understand that
but it is impossible to understand it because it is Germany.

[Presenter] DYP leader Mehmet Agar said the decision is unacceptable.

[Agar] It is impossible for the Republic of Turkey to accept the
use of this issue as a tool for pressure in connection with current
political affairs.

[Presenter] MHP Deputy Oktay Vural called on the government to hold
a special parliamentary session to discuss this issue. He said,
addressing the government: You must shout to the world that those who
attack us with a guilty conscience are those who committed a genocide
against the Jews.

Kamu-Sen protested against the decision by laying a black wreath
at the German embassy in Ankara. Kamu-Sen leader Bircan Akyildiz
said that through this decision, Germany was trying to cover up its
shameful history.

The group dispersed after the demonstration but it returned when a
policeman tried to remove the wreath. There was a skirmish between
Kamu-Sen members and the security forces.

Assembly Speaker [Bulent] Arinc is going to send a letter to his German
counterpart in connection with the decision on Armenian allegations.

Varosian Antranik:
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