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BAKU: Milli Majlis adopted appeal to Parliamentary Assembly of CoE

Milli Majlis adopted appeal to Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe

Today, Azerbaijan
June 18 2005

18 June 2005 [10:37] – Today.Az

The members of Milli Majlis (Azeri Parliament) adopted an appeal to
the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

The objective position of the Council of Europe based on the
international law principles and norms in the question of regulating
the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in peaceful way is highly valued in
the appeal.

Adoption of the order # 1416 reflecting the position of PACE on the
Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict in the sitting of the
winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
held on January 25 this year was a weighty gift to the international
efforts being made for regulating the conflict.

Occupation of the Azerbaijani territories by the Armed Forces of
Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh region’s being under the surveillance of
the separatist forces and ethnic cleaning held in those territories
are reflected in the order. On the other hand, it was declared that
occupation of the foreign territories by the country being the member
of the Council of Europe was serious violation of the commitments
undertaken by that country before the organization, effort of
annexing by means of force was seriously criticized, certain orders
of the Security Council of UNO requiring the occupied Azerbaijani
territories to be released were quoted, importance of withdrawing
the armed forces from the whole occupied territories was noted,
the right of the displaced persons from their native lands to return
back to their lands was asserted”. Milli Majlis informed that Armenia
was continuing keeping the Azerbaijani lands under its occupation
ignoring the demands of the international union and this country tried
to legalize the separatist regime formed in the occupied territories.

The members of Milli Majlis remembered that “elections” to the
“parliament of the fake Republic of Nagorno Karabakh” was intended
to be held in mountainous part of occupied Nagorno Karabakh region on
June 19 and informed that such step was contrary to the international
law principles and norms, demands of the documents of the international
organizations including the order $ 1416 of the Parliamentary Assembly
of the Council of Europe, the Constitution and laws of the Republic
of Azerbaijan. It is noted with the feeling of regret in the appeal
that the delegations, parliamentarians and other political figures
from some countries were preparing to participate in this illegal
political measure as the observers.

“The international union including the Council of Europe should not be
inattentive to this action of political diversion intended to be held
in the mountainous part of occupied Garabagh region of the Republic
of Azerbaijan. Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan requires
holding “elections” to the “parliament of the fake Republic of Nagorno
Karabakh” to be severely criticized, and to consider participation
of the official representatives of the countries included in the
Council of Europe to be impossible because of being contrary to the
principles of the Council of Europe”.



Vasilian Manouk:
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