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New Electoral Code not perfect



| 15:14:27 | 18-06-2005 | Politics |

Choice is yours public organization worked out an interesting variant
of the reformed Electoral Code, all the pages of which are painted
either red or greed. The correlation of colors is almost equal, with
slight prevalence of red. Members of the organization, who participated
in the elections as observers tried to mark the positive and negative
aspects of the process. To note, negative ones are marked with red.

The organization members stressed the items referring to the rights
of the empowered persons and observers. However, there is an item
in the new Electoral Code that nullifies all the reforms. “Very
often the NA Speaker and the CEC members says how many proposals
by the Venice Commission they have adopted. However they had better
re-consider the order of the formation of the election commissions”,
organization chairman Khachatur Voskanyan says.

“If you examine the Constitution carefully you will see that such
functions are not offered to the courts. If we take into account
the current situation, when the Justice Council and the juridical
system are dependent, nothing will change”, he adds. In his opinion
the judge, who is appointed member of the election commission should
for some time suspend his activities as a judge.

The new Electoral Code says that the list of the candidates for
the post of the commission members should be presented to the
President. Only after that the composition of the commission is
established. To note, if the Court of Cassations and the NA group do
not manage to present their candidates within the terms fixed, the
posts will be occupied by the candidates appointed by the President
of the republic.

Lena Badeyan

Virabian Jhanna:
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