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ANKARA: Thousands of Turks in Germany protest against Armenian

Thousands of Turks in Germany protest against Armenian genocide resolution

Anatolia news agency, Ankara
20 Jun 05

Berlin, 19 June: Nearly 10,000 Turkish people held a demonstration in
German capital Berlin on Sunday [19 June] to protest approval of a
resolution recognizing so-called Armenian genocide by the German
parliament last week.

Demonstrators carrying Turkish flags and banners, chanted slogans
during the demonstration organized by the Initiative of Turkish

A statement was distributed at the end of the demonstration reading,
“both German parliament and media failed to give place to theses of
Turkish and the other historians about Armenian allegations.

They ignored killing of tens of Turkish diplomats by Armenian
terrorist organization of ASALA, occupation of a part of Azerbaijani
territories by Armenia, and massacre of thousands of Azerbaijani
people during the occupation. We regret that German lawmakers
distorted the historical facts for their own political purposes. In
fact, countless German, Austrian, Russian, American, Turkish and
Armenian sources revealed that the Ottoman Empire had adopted the
Relocation Law to suppress Armenian uprisings in those days. They
clearly put forward that an Armenian genocide had never taken place in
the history of the Ottoman Empire.”

“The Armenian Diaspora has been trying to keep its baseless
allegations high on agenda of the world by using national governments
and parliaments. Their real target is to force Turkey to pay
compensation after recognition of so-called Armenian genocide. Armenia
does not accept its borders with Turkey. Similarly, Armenia did not
recognize its borders with Azerbaijan, and occupied a part of
Azerbaijani territories,” the statement added. Demonstrators called on
German lawmakers to take into consideration sensitivity of 2.8 million
Turkish people living in Germany, and act with common-sense against
such provocations.

Jidarian Alex:
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