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Dhaka: Int’l Genocide Exhibition-2005 underway at Zainul Gallery

The New Nation, Bangladesh
June 22 2005

International Genocide Exhibition-2005 underway at Zainul Gallery
By Nafiza Dawla
Jun 21, 2005, 11:15

Anti-Genocide Human Rights Organisation (AGHRO) has been holding a
five-day long photo exhibition beginning from 20th June at gallery
No. 2 of the Institute of Fine Arts, Dhaka.

One of the organisers said `This Photo Exhibition will help the
students of history and the people of Bangladesh to gather knowledge
on War. We profoundly remember the heroes killed in the battlefields
(for just causes). Holding this kind of photographic exhibition on
what happened in the (past) wars and aftermath is an important
matter. The show presents more than 80 black and white and colour
photos taken during wartime. The main objective is to create the
public opinion against genocide and to highlight the UN Convention on

The slogan of this exhibition is `Stop Genocide: It is a crime
against humanity’. The posters and documents of the exhibition
reproduce the major genocides and mass killing committed in many
countries of the world, including Bangladesh, Vietnam, Bosnia,
Cambodia, Palestine, Armenia, Kossovo and Rwanda are being displayed.
To utter surprise, genocide in Afghanistan and Iraq is ignored in the

One of the photos shows heap of human bones, one photo shows a dog
eating the flesh of a dead man and another shows a man covering his
nose with napkin while storing human bones at a place. One photo
shows a soldier shooting a woman and her two children and one such
shows dropping of atom bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
Watching these horrible photos, the visitors will surely get a flash
as to what extent a war is ghastly.

A visitor said, `I have been appalled to see the terrible photos on
war. No peace loving neither individual, nor a nation can back up
war. But the imperialists are imposing it on the small and the
peaceful nations. Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is the latest
example of the imperialists’ evil design. Unfortunately, the small
nations are not united; rather divided for which the imperialists
have become desperate to plunder their wealth.’

Another visitor said, `We have experienced the horrifying effects of
war in 1971. What crime did not the Pakistani soldiers commit in the
name of integrity and solidarity? The Value of a man reaches lowest
during wartime. But the brave fight back and defeat the war
criminals. The photos exhibited here are the testimony thereof.’

It is open to the visitors everyday from 1000 hours to 1900. The
exhibition will conclude on June 24.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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