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“No need to worry”, says Armen Roustamyan


| 21:39:30 | 20-06-2005 | Politics | PACE SUMMER SESSION |


`As Armenia is member of the COE, the issue of Constitutional reforms is
discussed in the COE from time to time. That is a normal procedure’; this is
the opinion of the Armenian delegation member Armen Roustamyan.

Mr. Roustamyan finds that the more quickly our country, including the
Constitutional reforms, correspond to the European standards, the more
quickly the country will develop, `The direction of the Constitutional
reforms is well chosen, cooperation with the COE continues, and the results
are satisfactory. I think this fact will be recorded by the COE too’,
mentioned Mr. Roustamyan.

The deputy advised not to forget that the conclusion of the COE Venice
Commission about the Constitutional reforms in Armenia is intermediary, `The
process has not finished yet. If we observe the process carefully, we will
see how much has been done for the draft after that conclusion’.

Armen Roustamyan assures that after the COE Venice Commission intermediary
conclusion the coalition has taken into account all the offers in its draft.

Zaminian Bedik:
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