Oskanyan had a good impression of Rice


| 19:10:02 | 20-06-2005 | Politics |


RA Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan had a good impression of the US State
Secretary Condoleezza Rice. According to Oskanyan, Mrs. Rice is well aware
of the problems in our region. Mr. Oskanyan discussed with her a wide range
of issues referring to the Armenian-American relations.

The sides referred to the dynamically developing two-party relations,
mentioning that the two countries are leading in a healthy political
dialogue in the commerce and economy fields.

Although during the Rice-Oskanyan meeting issues about the Armenian-Turkish
relations have bee discussed, a meeting with the Turkish Prime Minister and
Foreign Minister never took place or was even offered by the US side.

By the way, issues about the inner developments of Armenia and democratic
processes in Armenia have also been discussed. But Mr. Oskanyan mentioned no
details about this. He only notes that the information given by the Armenian
press that he hindered the meeting of Aram Sargsyan with some US officials
is a complete lie. `It is absurd, a downright lie, and it does not
correspond to reality’, said the Foreign Minister.

He has also met with the US President Assistant on Security issues Stephen
Hedley and discussed the perspectives of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict
peaceful settlement, as well as the Armenian-Turkish relations.