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USA sees transparency in Karabakh


| 19:28:55 | 20-06-2005 | Politics |


The June 19 Nagorno Karabakh elections were held in an atmosphere of
transparency. This was the conclusion of the `Social International Right and
Political Fraction’ American non-governmental organization observers
observing the elections in 22 electoral areas.

Executive director of the NGO James Ruper announced during today’s press
conference in Yerevan that they have come to a conclusion that the NGR
authorities have made serious efforts to hold the elections up to democratic
standards. According to the observers, the elections passed peacefully. As
observer Spenser said, there were only minor errors in the electoral lists
in some villages.

By the way, the observers left Stepanakert today at 12 a.m. when the results
of the elections had not yet been announced; besides, that have not received
complaints from any political party, for instance from the Armenian
Revolutionary Federation. Asked if the democratic elections will contribute
to the recognition of the sovereignty of NKR the American observers laughed.
Then Mr. Spenser said that the democratic government is necessary but it is
not a precondition for recognizing the sovereignty.

The observers hope that «the nations and states will hear their voice» and
these democratic election will affect the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict positively.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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