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Azerbaijan as “victim”


| 21:37:05 | 22-06-2005 | Politics | PACE SUMMER SESSION 2005 |


«I would not like to speak about the Euro integration of Azerbaijan and not
because I am not interested in it, but because in PACE there are more people
more competent about this matter. I want to make a speech as Azerbaijan
tries to connect all the issues to the Karabakh conflict», in answer to the
Azeri delegates Armen Roustamyan, member of the Armenian delegation made

Mr. Roustamyan mentioned that the propagandizing method of Azerbaijan is an
old one and everyone is well acquainted with it, «Azerbaijan follows the
idea that repeated many times, a lie can be admitted as truth. What does the
NKR conflict have to do with organizing fair and transparent elections and
securing the freedom of speech in Azerbaijan? What Azerbaijan is doing is
called political speculation. » Mr. Roustamyan advised the Azeri delegation
first to admit their mistakes and the reality and then to stop the illogical
policy of representing the victim as the aggressor.

Toganian Liana:
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