Oil hinders democracy


| 21:08:56 | 22-06-2005 | Politics | PACE SUMMER SESSION 2005 |


The report about the activity of the democratic institutions in Azerbaijan
was represented by Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel in PACE.

Mr. Gross mentioned that this year was a turning point for Azerbaijan, `The
oil pipeline was exploited, but before that the Azeri Presidential elections
did not correspond to the democratic standards, and the pre-election
campaign of the coming Parliamentary elections does not either. The more oil
there is in the country, the less the possibilities to become a democratic
country are’.

Mr. Gross mentioned that after the Presidential elections in Azerbaijan it
has been mentioned many a time that the elections do not express the will of
the people. Mr. Gross welcomed the process if reforming the `Electoral
Code’, and the creation of the Public TV Company before the elections, but
he mentioned that still there is much to do. `There is tension in the circle
of authorities which must be eliminated’, he said.

The second co-reporter Andres Herkel found the freedom of speech, and the
securing of organization of meetings and marches as the most important
preconditions of establishing democracy. Mr. Herkel underlined the absence
of dialogue between the Azeri opposition and authorities as the main

Referring to the political prisoners, he mentioned, `We welcome the setting
free of 100 political prisoners in Azerbaijan 2 days ago, but the process
must have taken place not today, but year ago’. Andres Herkel also mentioned
that the rest of political prisoners must also be set free as among them
there are people with serious health problems.

And the Azeri delegation demanded the PACE to help them to free the lands
occupied by Armenia for the Azeri refugees to be able to return to their