Torosyan cheated Sadoyan


| 18:23:48 | 22-06-2005 | Politics |


Today NA deputy Arshak Sadoyan repeated once more that the deputy speaker of
the Parliament hindered his meeting with the Venice Commission members.
According to Sadoyan, Torosyan took steps not suitable to a decent political

«At the beginning they told me I could not meet them as the protocol of the
delegation consist of only 1 day. Then it turned out that the protocol
consists of not 1 but two days, and it has been written by Tigran Torosyan»m
complained Arshak Sadoyan.

Today he rendered a press conference to inform that they have sent a packet
consisting of 64 offers to the Venice Commission and that the packet has
already arrived. But Arshak Sadoyan who has his own draft constitution
considers that the people who serve the personal profits of the authorities
are not able to realize real constitutional reforms.

«If the authorities continue to cheat people every day and try to adopt
their draft by a referendum, we well call everyone to vote against the
draft, and with this the process of expressing our non-confidence to the
President will start», said Arshak Sadoyan. He also added that in case of
this scenario the authorities will bear the whole responsibility of the
unpredictable course of events.