OSCE MG Ambassador evaluates Oskanian-Mamedyarov talks as positive

Pan Armenian News


23.06.2005 03:14

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «I evaluate the Paris talks between Foreign Ministers of
Azerbaijan and Armenia Elmar Mamedyarov and Vartan Oskanian June 17 as
positive. These allowed to see new, additional opportunities for working out
bases for settlement in the near future. The impetus conveyed by the Warsaw
meeting of the Presidents May 15 was very important. We hope to manage to
strengthen and develop these positive trends during our trips to Baku and
Yerevan,» Russian Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Yuri Merzlyakov said,
reported APA Azeri agency. The Russian diplomat positively evaluates the
proposal of the Azeri party to resume the operation of
Aghdam-Stepanakert-Shushi-Lachin-Armenia-Nakhichevan motor road. «The
opening of communication is an important component of the settlement.
However, in my opinion it is nevertheless secondary as compared to key
issues. One cannot say when the road will open yet: before or after the
conclusion of the grand peace. Possibly some parts may be opened earlier
that the route on the whole. At their latest talks the Ministers did not
discuss the matter in detail. However, I can say the matter does concern the
opening of communications,» the Ambassador said. It should be reminded that
experts will join further talks and, in Merzlyakov’s words, it will happen
in autumn or later. «The Co-Chairs will have to coordinate the work of
experts at the initial stage. Experts represent a wide composition
delegation of the parties and the issue of involvement of experts
representing the mediators was not discussed yet,» he said. Y. Merzlyakov
also said the date of the recurrent meeting of Presidents of Azerbaijan and
Armenia will be known during the Co-Chairs’ visit to the region. He did not
rule out the opportunity for the meeting of the Presidents to be held in