Environmental administration unaware



| 13:38:30 | 27-06-2005 | Social |

The Yerevan municipality Environmental administration and the RA
Ministry of Environment processed the new penalties for illegal
tree-cutting. “For cutting a tree 30 sm in diameter a fine of 22
500 drams is envisaged; and in Yerevan – ten times more”, informed
Environmental administration head Romik Kosemyan during the press
conference in the municipality.

We tried to make inquiries if we could cut half the trees in Yerevan,
pay the fines and sleep in peace. “There is a limit after which a
criminal case is aroused”, said Mr. Kosemyan. He could not recall a
criminal case aroused till today. “It is not my business”, he added.

We also asked how many trees have been cut illegally for the last
5 years. “The calculation is not our business”, informed the
Environmental administration head. Mr. Kosemyan also said that this
year there have been 10 alarms of illegal tree-cutting. Then he
consoled us, “There are law violations, but they have reduced”.