Institution of national correspondent to be formed in Armenia


ARKA News Agency
June 27 2005

YEREVAN, June 27. /ARKA/. The institution of national correspondent
is to be formed in Armenia, ed Fridrich Butler, Regional Director in
Europe and Central Asia, International Labor Organization (ILO), stated
at his meeting with RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Aghvan
Vardanyan. He pointed out that the institution will be formed for the
purpose of more effective cooperation with ILO. He also pointed out
problems of revising legal acts, retraining specialists of the State
Labor Inspection, as well as problems of establishing an information
center of the Inspection and of further trilateral social cooperation.

Bulter re-affirmed the ILO’s readiness to facilitate the resolution of
problems raised by Minister Vardanyan. He pointed out that to expand
the program of retraining the ILO allocated necessary funds, which
will allow specialists to be trained in conformity with international

During his visit, Butler has held meetings with the heads of various
international structures working in Armenia, and Minister Vardanyan
informed his of the Ministry’s programs of cooperation with UNDP,
USAID, and WB, which will afford the opportunity to ensure continuous
implementation of social programs. P.T. -0–