Synopsis developing activities in Armenia


Pan Armenian News
27.06.2005 05:24

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Robert Kocharian met today in
Yerevan with President of Synopsys Armenia CJSC SG Aart de Geus,
RA President~Rs press center reported. During the meeting the
Armenian President welcomed the company and wished the activities
were enlarged. ~SArmenia has chosen high technologies as a priority
direction and rates the development of the field to be very
important~T, Robert Kocharian stressed. In his words, the field is
gradually developing and serious business is being formed. He also
informed that the e-service system is being applied to the various
fields of public administration, what is an important step towards
the transparent government. In his turn Aart de Geus presented the
principal directions of their activities in Armenia. He noted that
efficient cooperation with the Armenian institutes of higher education
will be continued.