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BAKU: French senator calls Armenian genocide vote “historic mistake”

French senator calls Armenian genocide vote “historic mistake”

Ekspress, Baku
24 Jun 05

French Senator Ambroise Dupont has said that the French Senate made an
historic mistake by recognizing the alleged genocide of Armenians in
the Ottoman Empire in 1915. In an exclusive interview with Azerbaijani
daily Ekspress, the French parliamentarian denied the allegations that
his country is pro-Armenian. ” Our country is pro-Caucasus in the worst
case scenario,” he noted. The following is the excerpt from a report
by Azerbaijani newspaper Ekspress on 24 June entitled “The French
Senate made a mistake” and subheaded “Senator Ambroise Dupont said
in an interview with Ekspress yesterday that the recognition of the
‘genocide of the Armenians’ by the upper house of the French Senate
was an ‘historic mistake'”; Subheadings have been inserted editorially

Unfortunately, politics sometimes work in such a way that historic
mistakes emerge. The French Senate debate of the Armenian genocide
was one of these mistakes. Personally, I have never voted for this,
Ambroise Dupont, French senator, deputy chairman of the Senate’s
France-Caucasus friendship group and chairman of the France-Azerbaijan
parliament group, said in an exclusive interview with Ekspress
yesterday. Senator Dupont is from France’s Calvados region and is
currently visiting Baku to open the Azerbaijani-French business
forum. Dupont does not agree that his country holds a pro-Armenian
position and explains Paris’s passivity in a Karabakh solution in
this way: “We are not judges, but advisors, while Azerbaijan and
Armenia are players.”

Judges and players

[Dupont] A solution to the Karabakh conflict actually depends on the
desire and role of the peoples of Azerbaijan and Armenia, while France
may simple hope that this problem will be resolved peaceably. We are
not judges, simply advisors. There are two players in the conflict
– Azerbaijan and Armenia. A judge may be needed in making certain
decisions. However, the players themselves need to define rules.

[Interviewer] They tend to think in Azerbaijan that France’s sympathy
with the Armenians prevents it from adopting a fair position on the
Karabakh issue… [ellipses as published]

[Dupont] I would not say that France is pro-Armenian. Our country
is pro-Caucasus in the worst case scenario. However, it is true that
I hear more about Armenia in France. In any case, Azerbaijan should
also try to be known better in France.

As for the conflict, the French president and Senate are exerting
more efforts to have the conflict resolved in a peaceful manner.
Granted that several years ago we were living as if nothing had
happened. But now I see that certain efforts are being made. I
understand your emotion. France itself used to be in a conflict with
Germany. It was difficult for us. My mother and all of my brothers
died in that war. However, later France, together with Germany laid
the foundation of the European Union.

I think that is really lacking toward a Karabakh solution is wisdom.
If there is wisdom, the parties can come to a certain agreement. In
any case, I have more hopes now than I had before. France itself is
not different from the other two co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group.

[Passage omitted: on Karabakh debates in French Senate]


[Interviewer] Azerbaijan has appealed many times to the parliament
of foreign countries, including France, with the necessary evidence
for an international assessment of the Xocali genocide. What is the
needed to take this matter through the Senate?

[Dupont] We want to see peace throughout in the world. The French
parliament does not discuss such issues.

[Interviewer] But the French Senate tabled the fabricated “genocide of
the Armenians” many times and recognized it… [ellipses as published]

[Dupont] In any case, I never voted for the genocide of the
Armenians. There have been many massacres and acts of genocide
throughout history. We cannot deal with recognizing acts of genocide
all the time. The Senate has different things to do. Unfortunately,
however politics sometimes works in a such a way that historic mistakes
emerge. The French Senate’s debate of the Armenian genocide was one
of these mistakes and this issue is already closed. You need to visit
France and see things there with your own eyes.

[Passage omitted: France’s stand on Turkey admission to EU]

Azeri parliament “the way it is”

[Interviewer] How can France contribute towards Azerbaijan’s
integration into Europe?

[Dupont] All the aspects of Azerbaijani culture need to be known
in France. We are working towards this end. On the other hand, your
embassy in Paris also has a big role to play.

[Interviewer] How does the French government view the democratic
changes in the post-Soviet republics?

[Dupont] Of course, we do not meddle in the internal affairs of
foreign countries. However, the Caucasus has slightly mysterious and
characteristic features for Europe and France in particular. Georgia
saw a revolution, Armenia has a strong diaspora and Azerbaijan has
oil. On the other hand, different cultures are also a symbol of
the region.

[Interviewer] How does the French Senate want to see a future
parliament in Azerbaijan?

[Dupont] I can only express my own opinion here. I want to see
the Azerbaijani parliament the way it is. However, to my mind the
bicameral parliament in France also paves the way for democracy as a
system and it would be better to apply it elsewhere. That is because
a bicameral parliament never depends on the government and MPs are
more independent here.

[Passage omitted: on South Caucasus integration into Europe]

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