Chicago AYF Member Discusses Armenian Genocide at School’s SocialStu

Armenian Youth Federation-YOARF Eastern US
80 Bigelow Ave
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel. (617) 923-1933
Fax (617) 924-1933

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Press Release
For Immediate Release ~ June 26, 2005
Contact: Sossi Essajanian
(617) 923-1933

Chicago AYF Member Discusses Armenian Genocide at School’s Social Studies Day

NORTHFIELD, IL?On May 3, Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) member
Karine Birazian lectured to over 60 eighth grade students from Sunset
Ridge School on the Armenian genocide during the Social Studies Day,
held at the school.

The day was filled with various activities as well as educational
topics. During her presentation, Birazian focused on the Genocide and
the importance of education. Students were shocked and disturbed; not
only by the Genocide but by the Turkish government?s refusal to admit
that it even took place. Such manipulation of history, said Birazian,
is a dangerous practice, antithetical to democratic values and human

The State of Illinois requires that students be taught about the
Holocaust, but social studies teacher Ron Levitsky, who organized the
Social Studies Day, said that a Holocaust curriculum is incomplete
without first studying the Armenian genocide. ?Because of this
catastrophe, Rafael Lemkin warned the world of what he termed
‘genocide’ and the danger of Hitler. Failure to listen to his pleas
helped cause the Holocaust. Subsequently, cases of genocide erupted
in places like Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur,” said Levitsky.

Recently, the Illinois state legislature passed legislation extending
the study of the Holocaust to a broader curriculum on genocide,
including what happened to the Armenian people from 1915-1923.

Levitsky believes that such a requirement is more important than
ever. And after listening to Birazian, many of Levitsky?s students
enthusiastically agreed.

“It is always inspiring and an honor to educate others about the
Armenian genocide. I am very passionate about our cause and about
educating people about the Genocide. It is something so
deeply embedded within me; I cannot imagine not being proactive for
this cause,” said Birazian.

She has also been working closely with members of the state senate in
getting a resolution passed that will mandate the teaching of the
Armenian genocide and other genocides in the Illinois curriculum.

“It is great to know that people care about this cause and want
to help educate others about it. Although we have a lot of work to
do, the Armenian National Committee (ANC) of Illinois is prepared to
undertake this challenge and help to incorporate genocide curriculum
in Illinois schools,? said Birazian.

ayfer at social studies day3.bmp: Chicago AYF member Karine Birazian
recently presented a lecture on the Armenian Genocide to 60 students
at the Sunset Ridge School