Coming to a City Near You in October: The North American Debut of an

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (E.)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Chris Zakian
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]

June 28, 2005


Coming to a City Near You in October: The North American Debut of an
Award-Winning Performing Arts Youth Troupe From Armenia

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In commemoration of the 1600th Anniversary of the Armenian alphabet, the
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) and the Armenian
General Benevolent Union (AGBU) have teamed up to jointly sponsor the
debut tour of a one-of-a-kind performing arts troupe coming straight
from Armenia October 9 through 30, 2005, with stops currently scheduled
in New York (premiere), Washington, Boston, Chicago, Milwaukee,
Richmond, Montreal and Toronto.

The troupe of more than 60 young performers, from the ages of ten to
nineteen, will bring to life a variety of traditional Armenian art forms
– song, dance, instrumental music, and dramatic recitation, along with
artful gymnastics and acrobatics in what has been coined an “Armenian
Cirque du Soleil.”

Most astonishing of all are the artists themselves – gifted youth from
AGBU-sponsored Holy Etchmiadzin Nork Children’s Center, an educational
center where young Armenians are encouraged to nurture their talents and
broaden their knowledge in courses unavailable to them at overcrowded
public schools.


The young performers are well known in Armenia, where they play to
enthusiastic capacity crowds, and have won awards in European festivals.

“Seeing these young people perform, you are filled with optimism for the
future of the Republic of Armenia,” says Archbishop Khajag Barsamian,
Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern). “We
are proud to share this sense of optimism with our own community, and
with American society at large, by bringing the young performers to this

“Everyone who has seen them feels that this tour will be an inspiring
event in the Armenian American community,” says Berge Setrakian, AGBU
President. “And we’re especially hopeful that our fellow American
citizens will get a glimpse into the promise of Armenia’s up-and-coming

Gearing up for such a tour is a complex undertaking, involving tight
coordination at local and national levels. Co-chairing the organizing
committee are Hrant Gulian (Eastern Diocese) and Anita Anserian (AGBU).

Several cities have already confirmed their performance dates and
venues; the tour will premier in New York City at Broadway’s Town Hall
theatre on Sunday, October 9 with the Boston performance scheduled for
Friday, October 21 (location to be announced). Performances dates for
Washington, Chicago, Milwaukee, Richmond, Montreal and Toronto will be
announced shortly (itineraries are subject to change).

For ticketing and general information, please contact the Eastern
Diocese at (212) 686-0710 or AGBU at (212) 319-6383.


E-mail picture available on request.

PHOTO CAPTION: The jointly-sponsored tour by the Eastern Diocese
and AGBU of the performance troupe of more than 60 young artists
from Armenia’s Nork Children’s Center, coined an “Armenian Cirque du
Soleil,” will tour major cities in the U.S. and Canada from October
9 to 30, 2005 with scheduled stops in New York, Washington, Boston,
Chicago, Milwaukee, Richmond, Montreal and Toronto.

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