Azerbaijan Includes Its Item In OSCE PA Draft Resolution On NKR


WASHINGTON, JUNE 30. ARMINFO. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly calls
on the member-states of the OSCE Minsk Conference to step up their
efforts to achieve the peaceful resolution of the conflict, and
invites their national delegations to the Assembly to report annually
to the Assembly on the action of their Governments in this respect,
says the supplementary item on Nagorno Karabakh conflict by Azeri
representative Sattar Safarov.

A source at OSCE PA reports the sponsor of the item as urging Armenia
and Azerbaijan to comply with the resolutions 822 (1993), 853 (1993),
874 (1993) and 884 (1993) of the United Nations Security Council,
as well as other decisions of the international organizations with
regard to the conflict, in particular by refraining from any armed
hostilities and by withdrawing military forces from all occupied
territories of Azerbaijan.

Safarov calls on the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs to speed up their
efforts for the conclusion of a political agreement on the cessation
of the armed conflict, the implementation of which will eliminate
major consequences of the conflict for all parties and establish
conditions for safe return of refugees and internally displaced
persons to their native lands. He also calls upon all OSCE member
states to contribute efficiently to the soonest peaceful settlement
of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan,

Besides Safarov calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to make use of the
OSCE Minsk Process and to put forward to each other, via the Minsk
Group, their constructive proposals for the peaceful settlement of
the conflict in accordance with the universally recognized norms and
principles of international law,

Safarov fully supports the activity of the Special Representative
of the OSCE PA Chairman on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and invites
him to submit to the Assembly an objective and comprehensive report
on the conflict as soon as possible,

He urges Armenia to stop the continuation of the settlement of
civilian population in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan,
which can impede the peaceful solution of the conflict and urges the
international community not to remain indifferent to the deplorable
living conditions of the refugees and IDPs and continue rendering
humanitarian assistance to them,

Finally Safarov appeals to the international organizations, parliaments
and governments of the world countries to enhance their efforts
in order to facilitate the conclusion of a just peace agreement
between Armenia and Azerbaijan based on the norms and principles
of international law and to continue monitoring on a regular basis
the peaceful resolution of this conflict and decides to revert to
considering this issue at its 2006 Annual Session.

The draft resolution will be discussed during the OSCE PA session in
Washington July 1-6.