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The abyss of JITEM making history bleed (1)

The abyss of JITEM making history bleed (1) – RESEARCH

Kurdish Info, Germany
June 30 2005

HABER MERKEZI (DIHA) – Turkey waiting on the door of the European
Union, which emphasizes justice, freedom and fraternity, for 46 years
has been witnessed to be convicted on ECHR. While the missing people
have always been told about, not doing anything to the people who
lost them caused a deep wound in society.

Although these incidents and responsible of them, like Turkish
Gendarmerie Intelligence Service (JITEM), are mentioned in The
Parliament’s Susurluk Report, not to deal with near history made
non-governmental organizations to organize demonstrations. We start
research series which undertake the determining of unknown graves
of offender unknown victims by the means of JITEM sketches and which
explores their missing processes. You will find sketches, witnesses,
grief of families, striking photos and documents and drams of orphan
children in this series.

Many countries took different steps to clean the bloody pages of
major military operations and suppression actions in international and
civil wars. We are in a period in which Germany apologizes for Jewish
Holocaust, USA apologizes for Vietnam and recently Germany reveals its
shame for their share in Armenian matter. While Serbia ex-president
Slobodan Miloseviç is tried in the Tribunal of The Hague because of
Srebrenica massacre, while General Agusto Pinochet of Chile is kept
under surveillance, Croatia is stipulated to give General Ante Gotovina
to UN Court of War Crimes as a war criminal to be a member of EU.

Saddam Huseyin, responsible of Hallabja and Enfal massacres in Iraq,
is sentenced in whole world’s eye and tried nowadays.

Turkey Reality and Agreement Commission and a comprehensive research
is offered, as in South Africa which had problems such as excluding
black people from social life, economy and politics, torture, offender
unknown murders and missing, to decipher dirty panorama in Turkey
which has been talked in international arena with bloody coup d’etat
of March 12th and September 12th and the clashes longing many years.

While the “dirty war” which is composed of offender unknown murders,
mass graves, tortures, isolation in prisons and which was formerly
supported by GLADIO style local elements in Latin America, Africa
and southwest Asia became a book by Reality and Agreement Commission
Vice President Alex Boraine, we revealed that how the bloody wheels
of a certain period turned with the formations like JITEM.

We will present offender unknown murders in a geography, which is
far away of EU’s democracy norms and mentioned with discreditable
practices such as torture, offender unknown murders, burning down
villages, forcing people to eat feces, as a serial.

When the curtain is lifted!

We will proclaim the families’ cries to enlighten that dark period
which started to enlighten with the publishing of JITEM assassin
Abdulkadir Aygan’s, who showed the JITEM pay roll, confessions in
Ulkede Ozgur Gundem Newspaper with efforts of Halime Akyol and Ugur
Balik and with Ugur balik and Timýr Sahan’s book which consists of
these confessions. The discover of the remains of Murat Aslan, who was
murdered by JITEM, 11 years later drew a great attention and increase
the efforts to find out the other dreadful crimes. Slogans of “damned
kontraguerilla” and “Contraguerilla will have to give explanation”
were shouted on the streets.

Death sketches of JITEM

We reached the missing people, who have not had grave stone until
now, after long researches. They were amongst thousand of missing
people. The victims were not ordinary randomly chosen people. Some
actions of people becoming gangs in the practices against Kurd
organizations, which have no place in together lives on the same land,
desired peace, friendship and fraternity feelings and even in the
law of war, are described here.

With the indifferent practices of 1990s, the people were wanted to
be suppressed with fear, attacks, grave houses and death. Although it
was talked that these elements were JITEM and HIZBULLAH and although
the parliament prepared a report on Susurluk no one was trying to
enlighten the darkness.

Assassins and methods

“The State’s Permanent Executioner Tells” series, which was an
important journalism, had a great role in lifting the curtain and
JITEM’s organization scheme, personnels, supporters and list of
“victims” were revealed. Cem Ersever, General V.K., Yeþil code named
Mahmut Yýldýrým, Abdulkadir Aygan, Abdulhakim Guven, Fethi Çetin,
Abdulkerim Kýrca, Yüksel U., Abdulkadir U., Kema Emluk, Nuri A., Cini
Acet and Muhsin Gul were practicing JITEM’s methods such as choking,
executing by shooting and burning.

Who is next?

You were not able to reach a friend whom you drank a cup of tea
together, talked on the phone the day. You would not forget that face
and that voice again. Each day was starting with “Who is next?”

question. The process which became more severe with the murder People’s
Labor Party (HEP) Diyarbakýr Office chairman Vedat Aydýn turned into
the story of thousands of offender unknown and “end unknown” people.

Violence Lists

JITEM assassins were interrogating the people in “cross regions”
and killing many people as Harbi Arman, Fethi Yýldýrým, Hakký Kaya,
Ýdris Yýldýrým, Necati Aydýn and Ýzzettin Acet. The funerals of the
victims were thrown to lakes, roadsides, fuel tanks and fields in
sacks or buried at most 1 meter deep. People were taken from Silopi and
thrown to Lake Hazar in Elazýð just as people thrown to sea in Chile,
taken from Diyarbakýr and executed by shooting in Silopi, taken from
Cizre and burned in Siverek, taken from Muþ and executed in Diyarbakýr
and taken from DGM buildings and buried in death fields. The funerals
were found by hunters, villagers and shepherds and buried in homeless’
graveyard. Saturday mothers, people who want a graveyard to cry on
want justice to stop their pain and not to experience the same things
again: Realities to be researched and the Justice to be done

Answers to questions

Families of lost people say: “We want to find at least their remains.

We make a call to our people, non-govermental organizations, political
party representatives, and intellectuals…Unless they are found we
experience the incident like it just happened yesterday” and want
their voices to be heard.

And they ask:

“Why were they chosen as victims by death machines? Why were they
grasped and killed? Who killed them? Which crime they committed? What
were the life ideals of the murderers? How they impressed people? How
were the incidents covered? What did their relatives tell about them?

What did their parents experience? What do the relatives of people,
whose funerals were found and whose funerals were not found, want?

Traces from Mersin to Þýrnak

We know that we cannot write down their cries. We saw them strolling
rom door to door to search for their relatives. No one has knocked
these families’ doors for years. No one listened their problems and
told their demands. We were the first knocking on their doors. We
had to go to Mersin, Adana, Diyarbakýr, Þanlýurfa, Þýrnak and Muþ to
reach these families, who had to migrate to other cities. We faced
a cruel reality in those houses. We reached families with the help
of many people. We found them through old addresses. We sometimes
could not even have found a phone number. We looked for them in every
single street. We listened to their sorrows. We have visited several
families in several city in last two months. The common point of these
families was sorrow and tears and the common points of missing people
were their destinies. We saw that their pain will not decrease. They
seemed that they have just lost them. They are still afraid. Therefore
some of them did not tell their and some of them did not tell their
children’s names. They had a fear of “The other child has gone and
what if happens something to my other children”.

Some of them tried to forget all the details about heir children.

They were not remembering details when they were telling. They just
say “Everybody loved them”.

All of them were modest, tolerant, helpful and loved people according
to their families and friends.


Families gave children the names of their “offender unknown” fathers.

The families gave their children “Jiyan” (life) name and raised
children with three names such Vedat Necati Jiyan.

They were all remembering the last day best. Some of families kept
the photograph albums of their children. Some of them gave the last
photograph to us. Computers of victims are in their original places
of 11 years ago with the hope of maybe someday he comes back…Some
of the mothers were bedridden. We met children who saw their fathers
when they were being kidnapped. We learned that the witnesses still
do not know after 11 years who the victim or killer was. Some of them
were identified with the ring on the fingers. This is a never ending
story in which children look for their fathers and fathers look for
their children. All the families ask the same, short question: “Why?”



Badalian Vardan:
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