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Referendum – Principal way


| 13:09:22 | 02-07-2005 | Politics |


The referendum on changing the Constitution is declared by the President of
the republic on the suggestion or with the consent of the majority of the
parliament members. During 21 days after receiving the draft amendments the
president can draw it back to the NA with the demand for new debates with
his objections and proposals.

The coalition draft suggests the following: `If the President initiates a
referendum on draft constitutional amendments the NA puts the issue to vote.
If the majority votes for the adoption the President set the terms for
common referendum.’

How should the Constitution be changed? We addressed 100 citizens with this
question June 25-29. 48% consider that the constitutional amendments should
be adopted via referendum. `Constitution is for people and it must be
adopted and changed by the people’, a man said.

19% think that the amendments should be adopted with the suggestion of the
NA and with the consent of 2/3 of the Constitutional Court members. In the
opinion of 15% of the respondents the amendments should be inserted on the
President’s suggestion with the support of 2/3 deputies of the National

18% found difficulty in answering.

Karabekian Emil:
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