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Serge Sargsian everyone minds his business as he can

Pan Armenian News


01.07.2005 04:30

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Speaking of arms race in current situation is shameful’,
the Armenian Defense Minister Serge Sargsian stated when commenting on the
statement by Ilham Aliyev, who said that in 2005 Azerbaijan’s defense
expenses will make $300 against $175 million last year. `Moreover I think it
is shameful to declare such things publicly. If these people wish to gain
superiority and in this way settle the Karabakh conflict, so way say about
it so loudly?’ the Minister wondered. `$300 million is not the figure to
frighten us. I reiterate that the Armenian army has no less means and
possibilities. I do not see any sense in such statements, especially now,
when all speak of peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict’, S. Sargsian
stressed. `Suppose Azerbaijan brings expenses up to $400 million. But it
will not change anything It’s not the arms race between the US and USSR when
millions of dollars were spent on creation of new types of armament. But, as
it’s said, everyone minds his business as he can’, the RA Defense Minister
resumed, IA Regnum reports.

Varosian Antranik:
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