The act of complaint continues


| 17:34:08 | 06-07-2005 | Social |


«I wonder how many houses the high-ranked officials have while we are ousted
from our own houses as a result of their decision», said artist Satenik
Davtyan. She is one of the residents of the North Avenue and has been
complaining for year. Today Satenik Davtyan and those who suffered from the
Government decision organized an act of complaint opposite the RA
President’s Residence again.

They have been doing it for the last 20 days, but nobody from the
President’s staff has received them. Instead, a group of policemen protected
the residence from the ignored people.

«I am an artist and I have nowhere to paint and nowhere to put my paintings.
I am worried about their future after my death», said Mrs. Satenik.

«We are worthless people, otherwise they would hear our voice», said the
participants of the action.